An amazing turn out for our very first beach clean up with Natalie from
@cleanourseas! This was our first ever beach clean and I feel like we're already addicted to this cause.
Beach cleaning is an eye-opening experience for the marine wildlife and its eco-system and that is urgently in need of our attention...
What otherwise looks like an idyllic beach on the south-west coast of England, it surprised us at the amount of disregarded waste that beachcombers had left.

We started off our beach clean up with a brief from Natalie, notifying us of what sort of items we should look out for... One item was cigarette butts - We didn't know it at the time, but these were one of the main items you easily find whilst doing a beach clean.
With our little pickers in hand, we began picking up items quickly. Every few steps, we found something that is harming the environment. It breaks our hearts to know that this could have gone into the ocean. One thing I can promise you from this experience is that you will think again about single-use plastic...
You can see from the beach clean up results just how much you can get just from covering the size of a football pitch. Imagine this on a bigger scale...
We urge anyone and everyone to join in beach cleaning, your results will surprise you. It's a great way to be by the sea, get some exercise and do something good for the planet.
Here are some items we recommend you bring along to your next beach clean:
- Litter pickers
- Buckets
- Suncream and hats
- Gloves
- Bags for sorting items collected - general and recycling
Thank you to everyone that came along to our beach clean up. We can't thank you enough for your time. Until the next one...